The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide was launched on Thursday 1 November 2018 by Paris Aristotle and Dr Kate Walker. Refugee Nurses Australia were represented on the national project advisory group and several RNA members attended the launch at Foundation House.

The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide aims to support doctors, nurses and other primary care providers to deliver comprehensive on-arrival and ongoing care for people from refugee backgrounds, including people seeking asylum. The Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide comprises the following resources:
- Desktop guide
- Booklets on key topics: ‘Why focus on refugee health?’, ‘Child and adolescent health’, ‘Experiences of torture and trauma: psychological effects, management and psychological approaches’
- Website:
The 2018 update of the Guide was conducted by Foundation House in collaboration with general practitioners, refugee health nurses, practice nurses, specialists and Primary Health Network staff.

Photo credit: Annette Ruzicka Photography.
The 2016 Australasian Society for Infectious Diseases (ASID) & Refugee Health Network of Australia (RHeaNA) Recommendations for comprehensive post-arrival health assessment for people from refugee-like backgrounds informed the update of the Guide. Chapters of these recommendations have been included on the Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide website to assist with easy access to these clinical recommendations.
Contact your local FASSTT agency for details about how to get copies of the Australian Refugee Health Practice Guide resources:
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