The Australian College of Mental Health Nurses (ACMHN) has written an open letter to the Australian Prime Minister and all MPs in Federal Parliament calling for the evacuation of over 85 children and their families from Nauru and Manus Island. The detention facilities have been condemned by the UN as “cruel, inhumane and degrading” and official observers and whistleblowers have spoken out about the conditions and treatment of men, women and children held in the camps. Concern has mounted over the last few weeks about the health of children on Nauru and the reluctance of the Australian government to bring them onshore for medical treatment.
The open letter written by ACMHN follows similar advocacy from the AMA, MSF and a number of other NGOs and professional bodies. Refugee Nurses Australia supports this campaign and invites its members to read and consider signing the letter by following this link. Supporters are also encouraged to share the webpage via social media using these hashtags: #ACMHN2018 #EvacuateNow #KidsOffNauru
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