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NSW Refugee Health Service’s on-line Translated Appointment Reminder Translation Tool allows you to translate appointment details into your client’s language.

Just type in the details, then either print or save the PDF. Your form is generated immediately so you can give it to your client at the time you make the appointment. It can also be emailed. The subject headings will be translated but not the details that you fill in. For best results, print it on your organisation’s letterhead.

Accessing interpreting or translation services for NDIS participants

Amparo Advocacy is a Brisbane-based non-profit community organisation which provides independent individual and systemic advocacy on behalf of vulnerable people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) backgrounds with disability. They have produced a factsheet to clearly articulate the rights of people with disabilities to interpreters to access and communicate with the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA) and outline how National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) providers can access professional interpreting services. A copy of the factsheet can be accessed via the link below.

They have also produced a number of factsheets and information videos about disability and the NDIS in a number of community languages, including Amharic, Kirundi, Somali, Burmese and many more. Access the factsheets and videos via this link: