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Refugee health assessment and care planning

Double jeopardy: Refugees with a disability! How to play the NDIS game​

Webinar from the RNA Forum 2020, presented by

  • Sandy Eagar, Nurse Manager, NSW Refugee Health Service
  • Mark Mahoney, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Disability Support Team, NSW Refugee Health Service
  • Kris Datuin, Registered Nurse, Disability Support Team, NSW Refugee Health Service


Immigrant Health Service guide to offshore health assessment and the HAPlite system.

The Immigrant Health Service at the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne has published information on its website ( about offshore health screening, immigration health alerts and health undertakings and the Department of Home Affairs’ Health Assessment portal.

The website includes tip sheets on the administration and use of HAPlite.

Key Issues For Newly Arrived Older Refugees

The NSW Refugee Support Network Older Refugees Working Group has produced a survey report on Key Issues For Newly Arrived Older Refugees which outlines some of the practical and policy challenges for service providers who until recently had limited experience in working with this group. Although compiled in NSW, it may still be of interest to refugee health nurses working across all states and territories, especially with regard to issues around the My Aged Care portal and services.

The NSW Refugee Health Service’s Early Childhood Nurses Program have conducted a review of their program, which you can view by downloading the PowerPoint presentation below. The review highlights the demographics of young children cared for by refugee health nurses, the health issues emerging in this population and recommends strategies to improve access and care.